Hotel Tannenhof Edition, Cabernet Sauvignon, Privat 2015

Limited to 130 spoons

Barrel from winery Völcker
for TheCookingSpoon Hotel Tannenhof Edition, Cabernet Sauvignon 2015

The winery Fritz Völcker arose from a former mill in "Neustadt-Mußbach in der Pfalz". At the beginning of the 16th century the first generations sold their grapes to the then obtaining Knights of St. John. Later generations started producing their first wines in 1800. Today family Völcker is the 9th generation of this winery.

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Völcker, Deutschland

The wine

The smell of Black Berry Cassis, Elderberries, blossoms and the aroma of black pepper and cloves seasoning. A pastiche of scents in your nose. The creamy soft tannis fondle your palatal and quarantie a delightful adventure of drinking.

Völcker, Deutschland

An der Eselshaut 15
67435 Neustadt-Mussbach
T Tel: +43(0) 06321 66050

The Winery: Völcker, Deutschland

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